Monday, August 15, 2011

a few of my favorite things

Many times in life, we are touched by the actions of a special person, a thoughtful gift, or a heart-warming story. And afterward, our lives are never the same. the indelible mark left by such an experience is something that we treasure and hold dear to our heart for the rest of our lives. it becomes a part of who we are-and who we always wanted to be.

Sometimes, our favorites things come in shape of something big, like a trip to meet Mickey Mouse or a new dress. other times our favorite things may be in the form of less tangible elements-a cool breeze on a warm day, the mouth-watering aroma of a home-cooked meal, or the smile of a child.

Whether our favorite things are big or small, it is important to reflect upon the experiences we so often take for granted. Most of us do not think about the everyday things that make life so special and precious....
paula van ness
president and ceo, make-a-wish foundation

So the following are a few of my favorite things:
1.       my collection of  books and sandals
2.       mash potato, fried potato, potato salad, practically any dish out of potato
3.       my skinny jeans I bought from a thrift shop for only a hundred bucks and which I can no longer wear now because I gain so much weight already
4.       watching movies or drama series till the wee hour of the morning during weekend
5.       "A Walk to Remember", both the book and the movie
6.       watching the dancing fountain at the back of the UST Main Building on a Saturday night after hearing the anticipated mass
7.       the song “Nothing But Love” by Trading Yesterday
8.       a hug from loved ones
9.       the color green
10.   adventure, extreme sports, ice cream and green mango shake


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